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1. Title: Study of the interaction between synthetic sequence-defined macromolecules and lipid-membrane towards developing antibacterial and anticancer drug
Funding source: MHRD-STARS, India
Amount: 99.7 lakhs
Role: PI
Status: 2020-2023, ongoing
2. Title: Design and Synthesis of a Novel Class of Sequence-defined Macrocycles with Modular Post-synthetic Modification for Material and Biomedical Applications
Funding source: Core Research Grant (CRG), DST, India
Amount: 53.65 lakhs
Role: PI
Status: 2020-2023
3. Title: A Novel Class of Functionally Controlled Macromolecules with Tunable Properties for Material and Biomedical Applications
Funding source: Ramanujan Fellowship, DST-SERB, India
Amount: 38 lakhs
Role: PI
Status: 2018-2023, ongoing
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